Classmate Photos
Click on any name to see a photo of the person or persons:
Doug Armbrust; Doug & Sarah Armbrust; Armbrust Christmas Card
John Binder at the Getty Museum
John Binder (as Alceste in The Misanthrope)
Stew Brown; Stew and Judy Brown
Jonathan, Carol, Chris, Adrienne and Steve Chaplin (taken at the wedding of Adrienne and Chris on 7-7-07)
Sam Corbin (1); Sam Corbin (2)
Carl Fleischhauer (1); Carl Fleischhauer (2)
Jerome Goldberg (1); Jerome Goldberg (2)
Barry Gorden; Barry Gorden’s Family
David Hutzelman; David Hutzelman and Grandchildren
Hank Kasson Family; Hank Kasson Grandchildren
Jon Katz & Yvette Morton; Yvette, Laura & Mike
John Knepper and the 2010 Kenyon Squash Team
Richard Rubin with Paul Newman