Carl Fleischhauer

Greetings from Carl Fleischhauer.  After about 35 years, I am on the verge of retiring from the Library of Congress.  My work at the Library has moved from being the media documentation specialist at the American Folklife Center–emphasizing photography and sound recording–to coordinating the launch of our American Memory digitization project, to my current work exploring technical issues related to the archiving and preservation of content in digital form.  My wife Paula Johnson and I have been married for 28 years.  Paula is a curator at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History and her recent work includes the exhibitions on Julia Child’s kitchen and On the Water, which treats America’s maritime history.  We’ve got a house in town but especially enjoy our second home in Calvert County, Maryland, near the Chesapeake Bay.  In Calvert County, I have been active with the American Chestnut Land Trust, including service on the board.  The ACLT is an environmental non-profit that owns about 900 acres on the Bay and manages another 1,800 acres for the state of Maryland.  Overall, my experiences have confirmed the value of the well-rounded liberal arts education we received at Kenyon.  Best wishes to all!